
A Sevenfold Avatar from Earth's Opposite - Interviewing Agazero

X & Agazero Cloak 2023-06-07
Born in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Agazero is a multifaceted producer, DJ and artist. Based in Niterói, a neighbouring city to Rio, Agazero has become one of a new wave of electronic representatives in Brazil. He released EP: Broken Particles in Endgame's label Precious Metals, blending some emotional experimental sound, with the latest bass/club styles, showing a broken and chaotic future world. This EP is also the 3rd of his personal 4-Episode RE:SET series, the former ones, RE:SET Múon Side and RE:SET DNA were released in Canadian label s.M.i.L.e. and Brazil label Leigo Records, these works with many styles brought Agazero's name to different audiences in different countries, and these are just from his main artist name, Agazero, transformed from vó1d. Agazero's other personal projects expanded his producing range more broaderly, and there are even some low-key names not known by many people. Now, we are interviewing Agazero, and finally got chance to know about this 'polyhedron'.

X:You have many aliases, who(what) is Agazero (FKA vó1d), DJ LHC, 177th, ICQ BABY respectively?
Agazero:Yea i have 7 aliases that are musical projects that bring different proposals, in addition to all those you mentioned, I have one called "particulas ocultas" and a project that is me singing, called "arizona4k" this project is a little more hidden than the others.
Agazero means "h0" the acronym for higgs boson, the god particle, this project is called like that because it governs and mediates the entire musical universe that I have, it all started from there, in Agazero I am totally focused on creating subgenres and making connections of "particles" = "musical genres" distinct.
Vó1d was Agazero's predecessor project, it symbolizes the emptiness that existed in my musical universe, there is a whole story behind my projects that involves particle physics exoterism and fantasy, so my projects are like characters in a book.
DJ LHC is a character within this universe who traveled back in time to the past, he was a scientist and musician who was curious to study Jungle music in the 90s and the Memphis Rap scene, he is an "older" character so all the sounds I make in this project are oldschool, and I also tend to do time jumps with him for example in "Dance Dance Particles EP" he is in the 2000s, this is a short summary about it.
177th is my ambient side, focused on exoterism and numerology, everything I do in it is about spiritual computation and deep and intense feelings like love, sadness and euphoria, I usually put St Michael Archangel mantras behind the tracks with binaural mix techniques.
ICQ BABY is a child, a crazy Gen-Z teenager, this character was created to symbolize my youthful spirit, this would be the kind of music I would be making today if I was 15 years old (I'm 25 today, I was born in 1997 haha), icq baby it's a way I have to manipulate the timeline and never get old, he will be young forever, in this project I play masked with a flower covering my whole face, all the music genres i do on it are like "Tik Tok Music" jersey club, donk, and stuff like that.
particulas ocultas is about story telling and monthly mixes of my musical research of things I listen to in my day to day, mainly shibuya kei, and japanese ambient music.
arizona4k is a project where i sing on my trap beats and write lyrics in portuguese, this is a project that I don't usually be so active.

X:Back to the name 'Agazero' , you released RE:SET Múon Side at s.M.i.L.e., which is more 'Cloud', RE:SET DNA at Leigo Records, which is more 'Grill', Wave, Baile Funk, Trance etc., and Broken Particles at Precious Metals, which contains more experimental stuff. These EPs have many differences but each fits very well with those labels' former styles. So I'm wondering how did you work with the labels? Do you make some tracks first and select from them to match the label, or start working on tracks after releasing is confirmed?
Agazero:I'm a very active music producer, I usually make 2-4 tracks a day, I have a somewhat "uncontrolled" creativity, so what happens is that I have a lot of unreleased tracks saved in my storage, and I direct them to Albums and EP's and organize what fits best in a certain work, for example in "RE:SET DNA" I took all my grime/wave beats that I made in a certain period, and I put them together and formed that album, later i can send it to the labels that make the most sense with the selection of songs that i made, i create all the order etc.
RE:SET DNA, Leigo Records, 2021
I have so many connections for being a very fragmented producer, I know many niches and people from many different genres and countries , so i manage to walk and have my albums and EP's released on labels that I like and that I think make sense with my work, I can have a wide range of possibilities.

X:'Unavailable' in Broken Particles is kind of a hit among the DJs since it comes out, how was this track made?
Agazero:I composed the piano melody together with my friend "Tuti" through discord, initially this song was just going to be a piano solo with strings , during that time I was addicted to final fantasy soundtracks and RPG games that used these elements a lot (piano and strings), but when I woke up the next day and opened the project again, I thought I needed to destroy this melody and make it more experimental idk why but since then I started to insert glitches, synths, and heavier elements so "Unavailable" was born.
Broken Particles, Precious Metals, 2023

X:What's your musical inspirations when you start making music?
Agazero:My musical inspirations come mainly from soundcloud, i started producing in 2014 in the wave/phonk community, so i listened to a lot of misogi, cavalier, yung gud, blank body, dj smokey 666 among others, I made a lot of friends on soundcloud and I learned about music through friends I made during adolescence, mostly producers, and I had a lot of friends who made different musical genres.
So initially my inspirations all came from the underground soundcloud scene, I learned literally almost everything I know today through this network of contacts, i learned about jungle, plug, experimental, IDM, jersey club, among other things talking to other artists who were also music researchers.
But the inspiration i have to make music every day until today are the people around me, and my emotions, if one day i wake up happy i make jersey club for ICQ BABY, if i wake up sad i make ambient songs for 177th, my mood and the moment in life I'm in is what influences what I'm going to do.

X:What's your advices for producers who want to add many elements into one track and blend them well?
Agazero:I think the biggest secret is to be minimalist, I'm a producer who loves to create subgenres, mix many elements, but I always choose the elements that best fit in the track proposal, I don't like to add many things in the mixer and time line, I tend to choose the most important and impactful things and make these things sound harmonic naturally without a lot of automations and stuff like that, I use more primordial techniques and lighter VST's like synth1, so the tip I give is if you want to make a great mix with sooo many elements choose light and simple ways to do it.

X:Do you DJ sometimes in the cities around you? What is the local scene like in there?
Agazero:Yes, I play here in Brazil mainly with the DJ LHC, that are a little more "accepted" in the clubs here, Brazil doesn't have much interest in experimental music, deconstructed club and ambient, so the way I have to play here is with projects that play UK garage, jersey club, which are more "mainstream" genres rn, but the local scene here is so bad, musical genres that are a little out of the ordinary, are not well seen most of the time, low fees, and third world country problems, unfortunately that's how it is but I have hope that one day things will change a little, the only city that I see doing something cool is Belo Horizonte, scene on Rio de Janeiro it's horrible, and São Paulo is always the same thing, the same old boring techno, and DJs that don't go out of their comfort zone much, there is not much variety of collectives, and it is difficult to get into the main circuits and the big parties, it's really complicated.
The only scene that works amazingly here is the baile funk scene, if you want to see something amazing or an amazing DJ go to a baile funk in favelas!! but don't go to an electronic music club here because it is to be disappointed, there is nothing different and new around these parts :(
I prefer to stay at home playing or DJing virtually in VR Chat than going to an electronic music party in brazil, I'm really sick of what happens around here.
But every time they book me to play here I try to do something different than normal even with DJ LHC, playing jungle and presenting sounds that are not normal to hear around here.

X:When will RE:SET The Final Episode be released? And what will it be like?
Agazero:The final episode of RE:SET is ready and saved on my computer, I decided to postpone this release to 2024, I want to do something extremely good and with the feeling of the end of a cycle.

This article is from <Black Web> Episode 00, all the ones will be posted in few weeks, check the link for other articles: 《黑網》00期现已发布!精彩看点一览

Black Web

Instagram: @blackwebig

